Youth - Adventure Series, Audiobook, Storyteller, Christian, Engaging



Engaging, Dialogue, Fiction, religious, kids, young, story, book

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Murphys lived on Orange Peel Avenue in the small town of Mars outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Maggie was 10 years old and was always getting into trouble. Her dad was a college history professor, and her mom stayed home, taking care of them homeschooling her and her brother and most recently, disciplining them. Maggie had pale skin and fire red hair with faint freckles across her nose and cheekbones. She loved playing sports and was never scared to get dirty or to slide into home base. Oftentimes, after dinner, the neighborhood kids would get together for a pickup game of baseball. Down at the local park, Maggie learned all about the Bible, and they went to church is a family. Every Sunday she had heard that God was all just. And so she wondered if he agreed with her punishment. She had always heard that God knows everything and sees everything. So he certainly had seen what Mac had done to her, right? What do you think? God, You saw him, didn't you brothers air the worst. You never had one, did you? Lucky. All he does is terrorize me. And the moment I defend myself, I get in trouble. this is not fair. Maggie was out of breath. She was so upset by the thought of this injustice she had to bury her face in her pillow. Realizing she needed to calm down, she took in three deep breaths and prayed. Three quick prayers. Jesus, I love you. Help me understand how this is fair. Please protect Mac from me when I get out of this room. Praying calmed her down, as it usually did, and she even laughed a little bit at herself. But her anger was soon replaced by boredom as she found herself staring at the fan, going around and around.