Christina Martin Animation Demo



Child, teenager, young adult, Southern doctor, New York accent, teenage girl, funny, sarcastic, New Yorker, annoyed teen, bored teen, superhero, young boy, teen girl, sexy hologram superhero.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I need this, Tracy, This body, but is heavy. I'm gonna wreck my nails. You've got to stop electrocuting people. Get your superpowers together already. You know, these male fireflies are really getting on my nerves. Just because my butt lights up doesn't mean I'll go off with anybody. If you're not good at kissing, you're not getting any of this. I'm talking to you, Larry. Work on your skills. I've seen my husband's bleeding corpse dragged in the dust. And even with all that, I will not tell you what honor is. Henry, come on in here and let me take a look at that rash. Um, yeah, that is a nasty looking rash. I don't like the looks of that. Quit your crying. I'm not going to the waterfall dance. Bonnie Blowfish is. Mom won't let her go with me because I'm an octopus. She says I'm too hands ing. Not for nothing. That's a body likes about me. Listen to me, Haren. I figured about your trap. You're the trip wire. They put an enchanted ruin around your neck. Once we turn the corner, it activated the track. Stop wiggling around, Will. You have got to detach the mechanism. You looking for me? Oh, wait. I'm over here. Snout, over here. Now I'm up here. You'll never get me. You have every right for being streaming mad at me for killing you. But you brought this on yourself. You were that pink dress and you knew I was wearing my pink dress. Rules of junior high are very clear.