Audiobook Chapter- Articulate, Funny, Engaging, Conversational, Warm



Chapter 1 of an Audiobook that I've narrated and edited to ACX standards that is available on Amazon.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter One. The best ideas are the ones you percolate over several decades. A dodgy doctor signs a birth certificate and when that paper celebrates its 18th birthday, you apply for your passport. That's how I got my american documents and how I've held the citizenship of many countries. But I'm getting ahead of myself best to start with the exciting stuff. 15 minutes of shuffling uphill from the train station through the may, sludge of snow and ice and I stood at the doors of the U. S. Forces commissary and Visa. But in Germany, that's where I work back in groceries and hauling them to customers' cars for tips. It was 45 minutes before opening, so Captain Tickles the commissary officer activated the switch that let me in. He checked his watch as I walked past. I said, Good morning, sir, rumor says that Tickles has been passed over for promotion a major so many times that he is the oldest captain in the history of the US Army. People also say the only reason the brass allows them to stick around is that his sister is married to a senator, so Captain Tickles isn't likely to be leaving these bought at any time soon.