E-Learning Demo - Taco Bell - IBM - Kids - Medical



E-Learning demo produced by JMC Demos. Coaching by J. Michael Collins.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
look atyou. Your mom was right. You are a winner. And here's the proof. Your first day as a Taco Bell shift manager of student loans were totally worth it. Right? Hours of math theory, philosophy, humanities. And now Now you're gonna have to figure out how to get Carla not to pick her nose before wrapping the chalupas. And make sure that baked Jimmy piece in a cup once a month, click forward to continue your managerial orientation. Tammy was supposed to clean the chalkboard for Mrs Johnson, but Tammy wanted to play and forgot to do her job. Now Tammy's in trouble. What better choices could Tammy have made? I B m g d p r Compliance overview level one. In this three part training, you will learn what G. D. P r. Is your responsibilities as a compliance officer. Why an American company has to comply with EU regulations on data privacy. Tap the next arrow to move to the next slide. Hi, and welcome to the L S U campus. Wherever you see a big yellow dot like this one say Hey, Mike, and I'll be available to help you find your way to class. Answer questions about scheduling or anything else. You need thistles. Really? Great. I just need three more animals and my zoo will be ready to open. Will you help me find the animals I need? Thanks. First, let's see if we can find a rhinoceros. Do you see any rhinos around here? No, that's a hippo. Try again. Abnormal, low and high. A B. I are not only regarded as diagnostic parameters of P A d, but also strong predictors of C V and all cause mortality. Ph. D is a systemic atherosclerotic disease with similar risk factors as cerebral vascular disease and coronary artery disease.