Rae Clark Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Colleen Clark
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Crayola color Wonder. It starts with Crayola. What's as strong as an elephant stinks like a skunk and can see in the dark. Find out next on Discovery kids Introducing a whole new kind of soft drink with real fruit juice, 10% of your daily calcium and only 10 calories for every eight ounce serving. It tastes so good you can feel it in your bones for great taste. With calcium, the only way to go is up. A one brings out every single bite of steak or even hamburger. Mm, delicious. For me, there's only one steak sauce a one, because a one has all the taste that makes every bite count. Design the perfect diamond engagement ring. In just minutes, you'll have the rest of your life to design the perfect husband. As a parent, you can't help but look at your child and dream about what the future holds. But while you're dreaming, consider this. The odds that your child will be diagnosed with autism are one in 88. Knowing the signs of autism and catching it early can make a world of difference. To learn the signs of autism, visit autism speaks dot org, Brought to you by Autism speaks and the Ad Council