English voice over for fantasy book

Profile photo for Collin McDougal
Not Yet Rated


This was an audio sample I had for a past audition I did the recording end editing at my home office.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It was mid afternoon. The sun was a bit too warm, and the brook ahead looked inviting, pushing through the bushes lining the bank. I knelt on one knee at the water's edge, and made a cup of one hand, then filling my palm with water. I brought it to my lips for a drink. I was drawing my hand on my trousers when a cold voice from behind me said, And just. What do you think you're doing? I started violently. I was really surprised. How would this person managed to steal up on me! Instinct took over, and I whirled still on the ground, my hand already clasping the hilt of my sword. Who are you? I challenged. The speaker was a slender man of average height. His robes were the emerald green of new leaves, his eyes and earth brown in his hair, white as snow for all his benign appearance, danger radiated from the heated glow in those dark eyes. I am the curator, and this is my forest. Why do you trespass on my land? I beg your pardon, I replied, rising to my feet, hands, still gripping my sword. But I was under the impression that this land and its forest belonged to King Merrill of Meris. Ha! That coward? No! You are very mistaken, sir. Knight! When you passed yawn boundary stone, you exchanged his domain for mine. This part of the forest belongs to me, and I want you off my land! His eyes narrowed to pin pricks. Now