2006 Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


Vignettes from various radio commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Can I help you? Yeah, I'm looking for a gift for my wife Has his left, like a clock radio in the shape of a cabbage. But it comes with a 50 year warranty. Uh, no. No. What you doing there, Larry? Moe? Hey, Bob. Testing the electric fence. Want to see how much it really hurts? Thinking of breaking out? Yeah, I want to go to Steamboat Low. And only this electric fence stands between me and get in there. Let's face it, chickens do not make good hunting dogs we owe. So I went the comp USA and they told me they had free training and installation. When you buy anything digital, I said free training. They said, Yeah, I said free installation again. They said, Yeah. And I said, Can I borrow 20 bucks? They said no. Not now, Mom. It's okay, honey. I'm hiding in the bush. I can see everything, Mr Hunt. Dad, My kids don't mind me. Oh, you're offer applies to all Buick centuries. Not available with special G m B c finance release offers