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Fun Senior Voice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you love penguins that experience the new June keys? Penguin habitat at the Aquarium of the Pacific and Long Beach. Thes funny seabirds have come all the way from South America. When they waddle, they're held areas. But when they swim, it's a thing of beauty. You're going to fall in love with our penguins, where the ocean and people connect the aquarium out. Hello, boys and girls. My name is Sam the Snowman. I'm going to tell you how Christmas was almost cancelled one year and how little reindeer with a shiny red nose saved the day. Your only old ones by Dr Seuss. One day you read in the National Geographic off a far away land with no smelly bad traffic turning off the light, making a connection, sharing a possibility, daring to dream these air not only moments in a day but opportunities to change the world. One connection at a time.