Radio Commercials

Radio Ad


Vignettes from various radio & TV commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
problem. Two women have to catch the same train. One still writes checks. The other uses new debit MasterCard. Here's one of the kids meeting the three months that Doesn't it just make you sick when you lose a photograph? Now there's a way you can protect your photographs forever. The Kodak picture guarantee it was noon, or maybe it was midnight either way and was settling in for a nice, long chance with my old friend Jack. I knew the type. A dame skirt, a dish. Hot tomato. Honey, I think it's time. Time for what? You know on nine months pregnant. Oh yes, yes. Time to shop for the baby. Of course, you don't understand, boss. Just Rincon's Remember I asked you about getting an IBM Think Patton Award winning and tell Pentium processor. Now, as with any task, the right tool is essential. Be one of the first people that targets two day sale Friday morning and free way took gains and drinks and music and food and women and men and dinosaurs and tanks and put them all right next to the MGM Grand. GameWorks Everything good all at once. Okay, we're back with helpful hints from Corona Beer. Today's topic is intelligence. Lucy, what are you doing home on a Saturday night? A girl here age should be out tipping cows as a husband. I am a chronic gene deficiency, choosing the most inappropriate gift for my wife knew kibbles and bits to hate it. Sorry, Jaguar 64. Best 159 bucks paid it. Nitro burning Do injected Funny car here. Then I bought my wife a pair of Isotoner gloves. Well, she slipped him on and said, I want you To which I said to do what the after Christmas sales hurry and fill up.