ANIMATION DEMO - Accents - Characters - Child - Witch - British



Child, teenager, witch, villain. The demo showcases a range of voices and tones from child to elderly. authentic, conversational, strong, playful, sad, real Person, Articulate, Authentic, Believable, relatable, Engaging, Genuine

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) French (Parisienne) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mm. It's time for a little razzle dazzle. This'd still exciting. Give me pie. Oh, by golly, by gosh, come on, don't be afraid. Take my hand and I'll show you the magic. Let me be your we I'll take the away into a land of enchantment It's time to play E m An artist and I will create a master. Please wait. What is this clue? Thio, you are old Monsieur, Are you OK? Your tails twitching And you tell Onley twitches when you're nervous. But you don't have to be nervous, buddy. I'm right here with you. Oh, the weedy. Her pants were so tight. If she bought it, she'd blow her boats off. Oh, my bubbles! Bouncy, bouncy! My bubbles don't want to be fabulous. Oh, my dear, sweet, lovable princess, Please don't cry. No one can hear you guys. It's not easy being popular. It's really hard. People say nothing is impossible But I do not in every day You're so stupid. If I threw you on the ground, you'd miss It's come under the waves in the blue of my oblivion Stay wild moon Child! You poor simple fools thinking you could defeat me when you need a miracle. Trust in yourself. Me Afraid of the forest. I'm sure in my soul that the most terrifying thing in this forest is me, lol, Sabra. But, um I button call me a biscuit. She's good. That was so much fun. I told you. Oh, that was so exciting. I just pooped a little. Don't do it. It's not the partner, just e.