NSION - Instructional Narration

Profile photo for Dallas Dwight
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Instructional narration example for new technology from NSION.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The in Science. NsC three application provides a platform to improve the situational awareness of an event, high performance video and data streaming technology, improves operational awareness and enables all to form a common operational picture. N S C three is an operational use in law enforcement, fire, security, healthcare, and other areas. This is an overview of how N. S. C three can assist in a case of a road accident. E C. C operators and the responding units can get real time visual feed from the accident site using N. S. C. Three, giving the responding units valuable minutes to be ready ahead of time and save lives. In this use case the emergency center receives a call about a road accident. The N. S. C live link feature enables E C C operators to invite anybody to share real time video from their mobile phones. The caller does not need to download any apps just except to use the incoming link and start sharing video to the task. E C C operators can generate a link this way the link can be only for one person or it can be used by many decide whether to name the device that sends the video automatically or let the caller name it, generate the link and share it with sms, WhatsApp, email or other available means to the caller to the caller. The invite to share video looks like this. You need to accept the request to use the camera and location. Then you can start the broadcast the real time video footage from the site enables the e C C operator to assess the situation much better than ever before. Better knowledge of the situation leads to better and faster decisions, dispatch exactly those units which are needed and those units will arrive at the site much better informed since they also can have a view of the site before they arrive. Based on the caller information and visual footage from the site, the operator decides to send units of police, fire and medical first responders to the site. If the caller is sharing footage from the site, this footage will also be available to the task team assigning people to the task is easy. One click moves the users to the task. Also, devices need to be assigned these devices can be any type of camera or data source drones, body cams, dash cams, mobile phone cameras and surveillance cameras can all be used. NsC three is device agnostic. In this case the dispatched units have a dashcam, a drone and a camera in the ambulance. By default, the audio and the video is muted but the observer can unmute them easily. You may arrange videos in different orders and sizes or pop out videos to an external screen. N. S. C three has different user levels. Controller users can generate tasks and assign users and devices to form task teams, viewer level. Users can only observe content in the tasks they have been assigned to. This makes sure that video footages are not available to people outside of the task team members. The security level in NSS three is very high. All videos are encrypted and access to videos is tightly controlled. In this case the fire chief is acting as the team leader for the task force. He and other observers can use a web browser to observe videos or to communicate between team members. Devices assigned to the task are visible on the left hand bar and users can select which video streams to follow. There are no limitations to the number of videos that can be opened. N. S. C three has a unique video engine. It is the fastest engine on the market and videos appear to the observer screen and less than 100 and 50 milliseconds if there is a four G network. The patented feature of the video engine is always monitoring the network capacity and is automatically adjusting to the available network. N. S. C three enables the team to communicate by push to talk audio or by chat. The multiplex audio channel enables people to talk freely on the channel, like in a conference call or they can use a mic or P. T. T. Tangent button on mobile devices in a traditional radio communication manner, chat messages will pop up on mobile user screens. Web app users can communicate between several task teams in different tasks. In this case, the fire chief wants to get aerial footage of the site, so he asks the police with a drone to launch the drone and fly it overhead for a better overall picture of the situation. If there are injured people on the site, the paramedics may consult with a doctor in the hospital. If the video of the patient's condition is too sensitive material for the entire task team, the controller may generate another task for medical staff. Only footage from the camera inside the ambulance is not visible to others than the doctor in the hospital. This is easy to do since users and devices can be on multiple tasks at the same time. In some cases a visual view of the patient's injuries can save the day. Every video in NsC three is stored for a set period in the review tab all the recorded video location and messaging data are observable. All data is time synchronized and the user can play the situation as it unfolded after action. Review and training purposes. The data in NsC three cannot be modified or deleted to preserve the full data chain of custody. Users may export video clips in Mp four format for sharing and permanent storage. We have been concentrating on the web application of the N. S. C. Three. It is only one way to use the system. NsC Mobile applications enable users to add their devices as camera sources to the task or monitor the situation from their mobile phones, but only if they have been assigned to the task. Some N. S. C. Three users do not operate and control rooms. Oftentimes officers are on the field and might take the responsibility of the field commander. All video sources can be observed from a mobile phone or tablet communication. With push to talk and chat features enables the Field Commander to effectively lead all situations. NsC drone is an application for flying DJ I drones. The video from the drone goes directly to the NsC three server platform and the drone never connects to any source outside your network. Other than a DJ I drone, video footage can be shared to N S C three with the NsC mobile and drone applications ability to share the screen of the drone's pilot, N S C three can be enhanced with Nsc Valor, which is an analytics engine to detect objects and events from real time videos. Any video can run through Valor and the user is alerted about detection in video feeds in real time. Valor is designed to run the most common AI model formats. Custom machine learning models can also be developed and be used in Valor