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Some states make it simple to become a citizen by just staying there for a few years while others make it very difficult to seek citizenship. In Qatar, you must have lived there officially for 25 years. If you are not a muslim shouldn't even bother. Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel travel era. In today's video, we will talk about the top 12 hardest countries to attain citizenship. Make sure to watch all the way to number one as it will blow your mind. So let's get started. Number 12. Vatican City with 450 citizens and about 800 residents. Vatican city is the smallest country on earth. One of the most rigid immigration laws in the world may be a contributing factor. The Library of Congress states that you can apply for citizenship if you are a cardinal residing in Vatican city or Rome a diplomat representing the Holy See or a member of the catholic church who lives in Vatican city number 11 Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein has a population of just under 40,000 small mountainous nation located between Austria and Switzerland. Its immigration policy appears to be designed to maintain this population level each year before the age of 20 counts as two years towards the required 30 years of residence in Liechtenstein before becoming a citizen. This term is decreased to five years of marriage. If you are already a resident of Liechtenstein and are married to a citizen of that nation, you can urge your town to vote you in after 10 years. If you wish to avoid meeting the 30 year residents requirement, you'll have to renounce Your present citizenship regardless of the technique. Number 10 Bhutan, Bhutan, a country in the Himalayas is renowned for using its national happiness index to gauge success rather than GDP. It's one of the world's most remote nations. You can probably guess that the immigration process is complicated given that the nation doesn't allow tourists into the country, given that the nation didn't allow tourists into the country until 1974 and that it still strictly regulates and keeps an eye on visitor traffic. A citizen of Bhutan must have to Bhutanese parents to be born there. If you only have one, you must apply for naturalization after living in Bhutan for 15 years. Government workers are also subject to the 15 year rule. After settling in the nation for 20 years. Non Bhutanese citizens without government jobs are eligible to apply if they meet several requirements including not having a history of speaking out against the king or their nation. Your citizenship may be revoked if you continue to act in that manner. Number nine Qatar according to Doha News, even if your mother is Qatari, neither of you are, if your father is not, you can apply for citizenship If among other requirements, you have been a legal resident of Qatar for 25 years without departing the country for more than two months. According to the Doha News, only about 50 foreigners are naturalized in Qatar each year. Additionally naturalized citizens of Qatar are not bound by the same laws as native citizens. Perhaps because doing so would be expensive. Considering the nation's extensive government benefits that are provided to all inhabitants. Number eight. The United Arab Emirates. The C. I. A. States that you may seek to become a citizen after 30 years of lawful residency in the U. A. E. Which is home to the opulent metropolis of Dubai. According to federal law number 17. Arab nationals from bahrain, Qatar or Oman may apply for naturalization at after three years of residents after seven years of residing in the U. A. Non Arab Arabs become eligible. Their birth state determines whether emirate parents, descendants are eligible for citizenship according to a U. N. Report women with U. A. E. Citizenship. Married to foreigners cannot pass it on to their offspring. These kids can apply for citizenship once they turn 18. Thanks to a 2011 decree number seven kuwait. The nationality law of 1999 state that you can apply for kuwaiti citizenship if you are a muslim by birth or conversion and have lived in kuwait for 20 years, that's 15 for residents of other Arab nations. If you converted, you had to have been a practicing buddhist for five years. Arabic must be spoken well by you as well. According to the nationality law, a kuwaiti man's wife can apply for citizenship after 15 years of marriage number six. Switzerland. According to new legislation and january 2018, you must have resided in the nation for 10 years and have a working permission called a C permit to establish a residence in Switzerland's beautiful alps for inhabitants of the european ***** nations that make up the european Free Trade Association, the United States and Canada. Five years of continuous residency in Switzerland is a need for the C permit which permits you to live and work there before being eligible. Everyone else must have worked there for 10 years. Number five china, the people's republic of china's nationality law permits foreigners who have relatives who are chinese citizens have resided in china or have other valid grounds to apply to become naturalized citizens. Your prospects of becoming a chinese citizen are minimal. If you don't have a family who is a chinese citizen and resides in china. Although naturalization is conceivable, the C. I. A claims that it is pretty challenging. There is an unspecified need for long term residents. Number four Japan in Japan obtaining a visa for permanent residents takes longer than naturalization. A person must have lived in Japan for five years, had the Justice Minister's consent and completed a large amount of paperwork before they may become a citizen. The japanese ministry estimates that the procedure can take 6 to 12 months, although many who have gone through it have said it can take years, applicants must be prepared to give up their citizenship. In other countries. If accepted. Number three, the United States of America, even though immigrants made up a large portion of the country's founding population obtaining citizenship and permanent residency has grown more challenging. It is challenging to get permanent residents in the United States unless one is coming here via family or a job that has been authorized. There are distinct categories for individuals looking for refugee or asylum status and there is a lottery for everyone else, filling out an application and passing a citizenship test that includes questions about english language proficiency and knowledge of american history and government are the first steps in the citizenship application process for people who have had permanent resident status for five years. Number two Germany, it isn't easy to gain permanent residency in Germany when you are a citizen of another state of the EU. For foreign nationals residing in Germany to become citizens, they must prove their proficiency in the german language and their understanding of the country's political and social structure. Additionally, candidates must show that they can support themselves and have made contributions to the national pension plan. They also need documentation of appropriate accommodations, candidates must relinquish their citizenship in all other countries and live in the country for at least eight years and if they have completed a competency test, then set seven years and finally, number one Austria immigration rules are strict and several of the european *****'s Member States, Austria has one of the most drawn out citizenship procedures. Nevertheless, anyone entering Austria who is not a citizen of an EU nation and plans to stay for more than six months must first obtain a residence visa. Those who plan to stay in Austria for more than 24 months must also sign an integration agreement, a process Designed to help people become more fluent in German and better able to participate in the social, cultural and economic life in Austria before being qualified to petition for citizenship. Permanent residents must have lived there continuously for 10 years, applicants who are accepted must give up any other citizenship. That's all for today. If you're visiting travel era for the very first time, please hit that like button and subscribe to get more travel videos in the future. Thanks for watching.