The Door To The Universe - Science Narration

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finding peculiar space objects is not new for Nasa. However, what it has caught this time is not just creepier bazaar but unfathomable. Nasa have caught something that looks like an alien spacecraft spying on the solar system and the internet is going ballistic over the image. Hello and welcome back to another video from the door to the universe. Today, we're going to tell you about the strangest thing detected by Nasa. A few years ago, the first observations of an interstellar object reaching our solar system from outer space. The object, baptized with the Hawaiian name of Monua is unlike anything seen before. It is a metallic rocky object with a dark red color and above all, a very elongated appearance. Its length is at least 400 m and after turning close to the sun, it moves away at the dizzying speed of 95,000 kilometers an hour. So let's dive in on october 19th 2017, unique and different object was detected in outer space. It came from the star vega, which is 25 light years away. Since its arrival, several hypotheses arose around its origin. And despite the fact that the data did not coincide, the scientists decided that it was an asteroid. The object has since been reclassified as interstellar asteroid one I 2017. You one by the International Astronomical ***** or I. Au. Which is responsible for giving official aims to organisms and objects in the solar system and beyond. It was called um um you a which means messenger from afar and was detected by the pan Starrs telescope located In Hawaii. The surprising thing about this object lies in its shape and size which is elongated and flat, something never before seen by astronomers. It was such a strange asteroid that scientists simply decided it was an anomaly. Since its detection, scientists have been focused on the information of this object. On september 6th 2017, it crossed the orbital plane where all the planets revolve around the sun. Immediately after the discovery of this strange object telescopes around the world, which also include E. S. O. S. Very large telescope in chile and other agencies around the world were called into action to calculate and measure the objects orbit brightness and color. The urgency to see from terrestrial telescopes was vital to obtain the best information on september 29th. It crossed the orbit venus and on october 7th across the Earth and then sped towards the constellation Pegasus at a speed of almost 95,000 kilometers per hour and finally disappeared into the darkness. The international scientific community was unable to square the results with the hypothesis of a comet or asteroid. However, Avi Loeb, a research astrophysicist at Harvard University, raised his own explanation that confronted him with the entire scientific community. It was about extraterrestrial life in this regard. Loeb said at a press conference that he cannot say with certainty that there is more life in the universe, but he believes there is in fact, he also said that the question is not whether we are alone in the universe, but rather are we the smartest on the block. If we are not, we could learn from others from their technologies and from their mistakes. So why is it so difficult to consider it? An asteroid scientists study interstellar objects through light alterations in its brightness provide incalculable keys to discover its shape. In the case of um um you a the brightness varied by a factor of 10 every eight hours based on the amount of time it took to complete a full rotation. With this drastic variability and brightness, the scientists concluded that the object had an elongated silhouette at least 5 to 10 times its width and length. Now it is relatively small, only 100 m long, roughly the size of a football field and nine m wide. If it passed very close to the sun, it would have a very hot surface TEM something. The infrared camera on the spitzer space telescope launched by Nasa in 2003 would have been able to see. However, he did not detect that it gave off any heat. If these dimensions are correct, this means that um um Yuhas geometry would be several times more elongated than all of the most elongated asteroids or comments ever seen from earth. It also gave off a strange lightness passing close to the sun and reflecting its light. The object turned out to be relatively bright, At least 10 times brighter than typical asteroids or comets in the solar system. Its relevance was approaching unprecedented values similar to that of a shining metal. One hypothesis even said that its attributes were due to exposure to cosmic radiation over hundreds or even thousands of years. In theory, ionizing radiation could have eroded the rock though. How such a process could have caused its shape remains unclear. Perhaps it was due to its origin. A planet was able to eject it violently with a guy gravitational wave effect. That is, if an object of the right size gets close enough to a world, part of said planet could be ripped off and propelled into interstellar space like a slingshot, or perhaps it was gently released from the layer of frozen objects orbiting in the outer reaches of the solar system, something like the Ort cloud, which is a spherical cloud composed of trans Neptune Ian objects Monua not only has a strange shape and reflective properties, but it also sped up on its way around the sun. It's trajectory deviating from the sun's gravity. In fact, the object entered the solar system with a trajectory more or less perpendicular to the orbital plane of the earth and the rest of the planets. The sun exerted its gravitational force on a mua mua, and on september 9th 2017, it revolved around the sun at about 300,000 kilometers per hour. It gained momentum with the gravity of the star and was thrown in another direction. Then it continued its journey through the solar system to the outside. There are comments that show a similar deflection, but they leave behind a trail of dust and vapor due to the ice that is heated by sunlight, and this is the reason why they acquire a repulsive force contrary to the gravitational force of attraction from the sun. The interstellar object did not leave any traces. According to the universal laws of physics, the mua mua did not behave as expected. In fact, there's no obvious explanation for this behavior. All of these anomalies lead Avi Loeb to propose his hypothesis about extraterrestrial life. Astronomers later questioned and denied his statements in this regard. Loeb specified that the worst thing that the scientific community can do is ridicule any discussion that has to do with this object. Preliminary orbital calculations suggest the object is coming from roughly the direction of the bright star vega in the northern constellation Lyra. However, even traveling at the breakneck speed of 95,000 kilometers an hour, it took so long for this interstellar object to make journey to our solar system. That vega was nowhere near that position when the asteroid was there around 300,000 years ago. Karen Meech explains that this unusually large variation in brightness means that the object is very elongated again. Its length is about 10 times its width with a complex and convoluted shape. He also found that it has a dark red color, although further observations suggest that it is more grayish than reddish similar to objects in the outer solar system. And he confirm and that it is totally inert without the slightest hint of dust around it. These properties suggest that Monua is dense, possibly rocky or highly metallic, without significant amounts of ice or water and that its surface is now dark and red from the effects of cosmic ray radiation over millions of years, according to the authors. Um um You a likely had been wandering through the Milky way independent of any star system for hundreds of millions of years before its chance to encounter our solar system. Astronomers estimate that an interstellar asteroid similar to Monua, passes through the inner solar system about once a year, but they are faint and difficult to detect, so they have not been seen until now. Thanks to new survey telescopes like Pan Starrs, which are powerful enough, there is now a chance to discover them. Meanwhile, astronomers around the world are scrambling to observe the strange asteroid Monua before. More powerful telescopes such as Nasa's Hubble and Spitzer lose sight of it. Some of the large ground based telescopes are still tracking the asteroid though it is rapidly fading as it recedes from our planet. Two of Nasa's space telescopes have tracked the object and as of now um um you a is traveling at around 38.3 kilometers per second relative to the sun. Its location is about 200 million kilometers from Earth, the distance between mars and jupiter, although its departure path is about 20 degrees above the plane of the planets orbiting the sun. The object past the orbit of mars november 1st and past the orbit of jupiter in May 2018. It traveled beyond the orbit of Saturn in january 2019. The results of the observations carried out so far have already been presented in a multitude of Nasa articles or pre prints for their publication and final format in the coming months. So what are you views on this? What do you think of? Um um ula. We hope you like this video. Please subscribe to the channel for more videos from the door to the universe, and we'll see you in the next one.