English, Narration for documentaries, youtube videos, etc

Profile photo for Dalton Bosun
Not Yet Rated


I created this demo myself to showcase some of my capabilities in narration, this shows my ability to tell stories through documentary, including darker topics like crime, medical mysteries, and others like nature and history.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Albert Einstein was a genius and one of the greatest physicists of all time. His famous theories of relativity, which describe the relationship between mass and energy and between space and time were published in 19 05 and 1916. They may look harmless, but in reality, these are some of nature's deadliest creatures. They can hijack our bodies, disable our immune systems. They are parasites, but to those infected, they are the monsters inside me. Every moment has a story and every story matters. The first men painted stories on stone walls. The ancient Egyptians chose the chisel. Instead, the inns told story with dances and fire Aborigines told it with star and spear murders. Yet unsolved conspiracies which threaten the very fabric of society and phenomenon that suggests there is more to our world than we should ever know. Do you fancy the dealings in the dark then walk with me as we step into madness. Far to the south lies a land of dazzling snow fields, crystalline glaciers and dramatically carved ice mountains soaring above an untamed frozen wilderness. There are no human sounds in this land of primeval beauty. Only the wild cries of birds seals and whales, echoing across a vast expanse of land and sea.