Daniel Lear - Commercial Demo

Television Ad


A sample of some commercial copy, recorded at Soho Studios.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you get along in the Burger King box. But some genius only booked us 10 seconds so quickly. Burger, nuggets, fries, drink. Or for just 4 99 only at Burger King. We all look at the same world, but we all look at it in a different way. Some see a concept we see potential. Some just see beautiful lines. We see character. Some see what's there we see beyond Audi. Okay, a question for you. Have you been to the surface of the moon reason? Or have you got what it takes to cross the bridge of Do What? About making a nice, safe nest for an endangered species? And when was the last time you battle the dragon? You found yourself in shark infested waters? Kinder's surprise. A treat for the imagination. Mhm. Cancer doesn't care who you are. It doesn't discriminate. Young, old whatever. It doesn't give a damn about your dreams, your plans, your life. Cancer does not care about you. Uh huh. But we do so if you ever need us, we support you physically, financially and emotionally. Whatever cancer throws your way, we're right there with you. MacMillan cancer support. Uh, this country lover has bought a used car online from kazoo safe in the knowledge. It's past the 150 point inspection and comes with a 90 day warranty. Can you be this confident in a used girl? Cause you yeah, you can look. It's me giving out my credit card details sharing my passwords with strangers. But you know hackers. Best friend. Your sensitive online data is just as open to snoopers on public WiFi connected Nord VPN. Help protect your privacy and enjoy advanced Internet security. Download Nord VPN now for a 30 day money back guarantee.