Deep Southern Spokesman- Term Limits

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A plea from a southern spokesperson to implement term limits.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
imagine in America that is reflective of the founder's vision of a representative democracy where citizen legislators, not professional politicians, represent the people where representatives served the people for a limited amount of time in Congress and return to their professions afterwards. But today, the complete opposite is true. Over 90% of our current representatives win their re elections, even though only 24% of we the people approve of their job in Congress. So it's no surprise that 75% of Americans want term limits. The problem. Today's career politicians will never vote to limit their own time in office because, well, it would limit their chosen career path. But we have a solution. It's called the term Limit Pledge, a social contract where candidates pledged to their constituents to self limit their time in office. Three terms in the House and two in the Senate. By getting congressional candidates in your district to sign the term limit pledge, we can change our country for the better one. Pledge a time by replacing out of touch career politicians in Congress with men and women who serve we. The people join us by going two term limit pledge dot or GE forward slash volunteer and sign up now to get started to become a monthly donor toe help sustain this effort.