Blue Collar Trade School Ad

Television Ad


Here's a blue collar, regular working-Joe type read for Lincoln Tech. Thanks for listening!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I kept hearing about this great resignation. I guess a lot of people weren't too happy with their jobs. I know I wasn't, but I couldn't just quit. I had a family to support. Besides, I wanted to work. That's how I was raised. You earn your money. But I had to make a change. The people at Lincoln tech, they understood they offered classes around my work schedule. I got my h v a C certificate in just 18 months. They even helped me find a new job with a great company and the super boss. Now I get to do what I love every day. I know my family's proud, take it from me. There's a better option than just quitting train for a brighter future at Lincoln tech. Check them out today at www dot Lincoln tech dot e d u.