I Want A Monkey Children's Book. English.

Profile photo for Deardra R
Not Yet Rated


I have been a special needs educator for many years and have enjoyed bringing children's books to life for my students. I narrated this book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wally was sure that he wanted a pet. He talked to his dad about which pet to get. I want a monkey who scratches his head, he'd swing in the house and he'd jump on the bed. Well, said his dad in a kind sort of way, did you know that monkeys eat bugs every day? Oh no, Wally said we have none to eat. Mom likes to squash all the bugs with her feet. Then I want a hippo, He screamed to his dad, he'd eat all our trash and mom would be glad hippos need water. It helps them stay cool. I guess we can build him a giant sized pool. No, Wally said he'd be too big to dry. We need a mountain of dowels to try. I want an otter who triple backflips. I practice swimming when we go for dips. Did you know most orders can whistle and chirp, They growl and they snort and perhaps even burp. Oh, Wally said with a sad looking frown, we'd have to tell him to keep the noise down. Let's get a giraffe while he said with a smile, I'd slide from his neck to a giant clothes pile. Giraffes hold the record for tallest of all the jump from their head is a 20 ft fall. Gosh! Said Wally as he looked at the ceiling. He'd bump his head even if he were kneeling. Well, how about a bunny? He said to his dad, a fluffy and floppy one can't be that bad bunnies like eating and chew all your stuff, raising a bunny can be really tough, wow! Wally answered, is all that true picking a pet is not so easy to do? I want to fish, walleye said, let's get one. I think a goldfish could be lots of fun. Mm mm mm mm. Said his dad, with a look of delight. Good idea, wally. I think that you're right. They're really good swimmers and make funny faces. And if we get to we could watch them have races. Okay? Said his dad, that's just what we'll do. One goldfish for me. One goldfish for you.