Deb DeVries E-Learning - Gen Am - Corporate, Tech, Academic



Voice over by Deb DeVries. Samples reflect a range from VR character based to traditional academic style training, to traditional corporate e-learning.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. It's me lurking in your router. I came in through your open support. Nice gateway drug. But I've been spotted your second layer of protection. Why didn't I think of that? You should always include directed or random endometrial samples When indicated. Let's move now to s string treatments first. Are you sitting in the driver's seat? Great. That's where you'll set up your Audi driver profiles. This is a tailored personalized experience just for you and other drivers who will drive your car. No worries. I'm here, your configuration wizard here to assist you in this process. Sea otters, these cute and fuzzy creatures have just been rescued what happened to them? These sea otter pups were stranded as a member of the sea otter program when they get old enough, you'll be invited to help release them into the coastal ecosystem. Yes, you work a 40 hour work week and qualify for overtime anytime beyond that. Well, my last job was salary exempt. So you're telling me that I now have a fixed schedule, correct? We like our employees to have a work life balance so you have a set schedule and will not be expected to work all hours of the day. Watch out those platform heels are very tall at our fall. Fashion designer show safety is our top priority for a safe and secure work and show environment. Please complete this course