Audiobook (Fiction)

Profile photo for Deborah Faye Lee
Not Yet Rated


Neutral Singaporean English and Singlish

Source: Crazy Rich Asians

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the girl huddled behind a three tiered stand piled high with finger sandwiches, was getting increasingly excited by the conversation. She was overhearing she suspected it might be him, but now she had absolute confirmation it was Nicholas young, even though she was only 15 at the time. Salim lim never forgot the day Nicholas strolled past the table at pullout club and flashed the devastating grin of his at her sister charlotte. Is that one of the long brothers? Their mother had asked. No, that's necklace young, the cousin of the lions, charlotte, replied, Philip Young's boy, I, yeah, when did he shoot up like that? He's so handsome! Now, Mrs lim exclaimed, He just got back from Oxford Double majored in history and Law, charlotte added, anticipating her mother's next question, why didn't you get up and talk to him? Mrs lim said excitedly. Why should I bother when you swat away every guy who dares come near charlotte answered curtly, alumax, Stupid girl! I'm only trying to protect you from fortune hunters.