Audiobook (Non-fiction)

Profile photo for Deborah Faye Lee
Not Yet Rated


Audio book read about iceskater Michelle Kwan

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian Singaporean


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I started figure skating at the age of five and the first thing my coach taught me was hard to fall. I remember gazing up at the coach with a puzzled expression, thinking shouldn't I be learning how to skate? Why is she teaching me how to fall? Looking back, I realized that my coach was very smart, She knew that I was bound to fall many times throughout my career and that I'd need to learn how to handle it. And boy, was she right? Even at 25 as a world champion, I still fell a lot In 1997, I was the reigning national and world champion. I remember feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders instead of my usual go for it attitude. I was skating in every competition as if I was afraid to lose, and when you skate like you're afraid to fall, you usually do fall.