British regional accent and character commercial

Television Ad


new 2023 commercial demo directed and produced by IOAudio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When I look into your eyes, I can see you're loving, you're loyal, you're, you're, you're hungry. I'll get the I AM S OK. Class. If ham and cheese plus salt and vinegar plus Coke, zero equals £3.50 then my rumbly tummy plus the dinner bell must equal a Sainsbury's meal deal. You know, when you're awake before your alarm and you just waiting for it to go off. Thing is I uploaded my CV to monster. Got a new job and now that I actually look forward to going to work, I don't mind it at all. If it takes longer to read the list of ingredients than it does to actually eat the snack. It's probably not that good for you. Naked. Raw fruit and nut bars are just fruit and nuts and gone before you can say fruit and nut pain says stop pain says you can't Payne says leave it till tomorrow. Nurofen plus says different. Some people genuinely believe that the main ingredients of ice cream are ice and cream. Everyone knows that it's actually magic and Pixie dust and freeze dried fairies. Cos there's no way. Hackneys gelato can taste that good. If it's not made of rainbows, some things you can ignore ketchup on a red t-shirt, an email from your boss at 5 to 5. But one thing you should never ignore is blood in your poo with Expedia. You can save money by booking your hotel and flight together. I mean, I could say more but keeping it simple is kind of our thing.