Commercial Demo Reel

Radio Ad


This commercial reel shows my range and ability to advertise a variety of products.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This Mcdonald's app just keeps making my day. Every time I order I get something free free fries. I love the fries. You should try the Mcdonald's app. You never know, go for the pitch, win the client look great doing it and klein dot com, you're something and I haven't even touched my gray goose mojito yet. When I do, you're going to be something else. Gray goose drink responsibly. Sometimes it's hard to find something healthy to eat introducing green Giant's new harvest protein bowls. Try our asian style or italian or my favorite, the Southwest Bowl. Oh, come on. Just one more. The new kitkat mocha frappuccino. Please please please. I won't tell four bars in a pack and they know it break me off a piece of that kit kat bar at HP. We know you don't have time to wait. Things have to get done and get done fast. The HP elite laptops when it needs to be done yesterday, get an HP today