Doug Haynie - How to Train Your Puppy Demo - Animated, Conversational, Approachable, Attractive



How to Train Your Puppy Audio Book

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is man's best friend. Taken to a whole new level. It's the little things in life that count. And when you have a dog, you suddenly become so much more aware of what these things could be. It's the snoring sound your dog makes when he snuggled up on top of you as you watch your evening movie. It's the way your dogs somehow knows your feet are cold, and so he lies on them and pretends to be your personal foot warmer. It's the particular way your dog looks into your eyes, making you feel as if you're the most important person in the whole world. These, however small they may be, are the things that bring joy and smiles into your life. That is, if you have your dream dog. Adopting a dog is indisputably one of the best decisions you can make. Yet that's only if you're able to train him or her in the right manner. Otherwise, your life could turn into a nightmare. Watching a few episodes of The Dog Whisperer won't be enough to prevent behavioral issues such as destructive chewing, inappropriate barking and aggressive display. Instead, you will need a complete roadmap with practical tools that you can apply right from the start. In the Dream Dog training Guide, you will discover the most important factor to keep in mind when choosing the perfect pup toe. Welcome into your family hand. Not all dogs are the same step by step guidance on how to properly train your dog, ranging from basic house etiquette to tricks you didn't know ordinary dogs could do. The most common mistake dog owners make that has their pooch running away from them rather than towards them. And how you can avoid this seven fun tricks. You can teach your dog without the help of a professional, the number one tool you should use to streamline your every day routine with the addition of your newest family member. Typical struggles that coincide with puppy training yet what you can do to steer clear of them at raise a well behaved, obedient dog and much more