Character Demo



Fully produced character demo by Debbie Kutch and VoicesConnect portraying only a few of her voices... from the strict school Headmistress to the ace pilot to the computer voice. Hope you enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, right now, Children, listen up. We have a very important lesson here. Oh, you don't keep That was to nor Well, Hello there, little teddy bear. What are you doing Wandering around in the forest? Laws that get seem to fire the White Castle. Oh, you poor thing. I know the way. Come with me, my precious. It's all quite appear based. Evil one, believe that I have bogeys up here. I'm taking fire. Losing control. Mayday! Mayday! Eagle one Going to be going down, E. I just love to shop. I mean, it's just like the coolest thing, but I only go for the sales. You know, it's been just a little tough lately without a job processing, processing, affirmative access. Here are the items you have requested. I am program to assist you with all of your needs. Thank you. And have a good day