Corporate Voice Over

Profile photo for Don Ligones
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Video Narration


Here I voiced a five-minute explainer video outlining the features of a product.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so ready to learn more about social studio, huh? Perfect. Let's take a look. Thistle is Technical Global, the telco company with a variety of clients. It's got a team of agents handling a variety of emotions across a variety of social media platforms. They've got posts to publish people to respond to an engagements to track. Managing different aspects across different platforms across different team members takes a lot of updating and coordination. It's a lot of clutter for your marketing team, on top of their other responsibilities. Luckily, social studio gives us just the tools we need to make all that a lot. Every member of the team can access social studio through a Web browser, whether it's on their computer or on their phones. You can then assign them to dedicated workspaces for each of your brand's social. CDO's first major function is to link your social media accounts onto a single platform. In Technical Global's case, Facebook, twitter and instagram are linked. More can be added or removed is necessary. Each workspace is divided into three tabs that tackle a specific marketing need. Let's deal with boasting first for that social studio has published half things tabs Main feature is its powerful calendar, which lets your entire team monitor your promotions plan by selecting times and dates. Even schedule your posts exactly when you want. Social studio lets you post exactly as you would on each social media platform, so there's no need to constantly switch between them. Theo Interface also let you review the posts of your team members to keep your brand consistent. In line with that, you can mark posts with different statuses in a science tasks to keep your team informed. Now that you've got posts, it's time to listen to feedback. Social studios engaged Tab gives you everything you need to stay in touch with your viewers. Layout lets you customize your view to filter exactly what you want to see from each social media platform. This way, you could filter out relevant posts or break them the interface into prefer items your team consign Matteini slee, handle each comment or post and interact with them, just as they would on the platforms themselves. The right side panel gives them just the tools they need to do. That. Thean faux tab lets you tag comments and posts with a variety of useful details ranging from status. The sentiment sentiment in particular, can be automatically set save time and then further trained to be more accurate. Additionally, posts could be labeled to further help internal communication and coordination Activity Tab shows every action made to that post and by which team members Macro tab lets you select back and created Mac rows, which allow your team to have custom and ready made responses for different situations. Finally, the conversation dad keeps track of external communication, so you've been able to post even geyser possible customers. Now, how do you know where you stand that where the analyzed tab comes in? Much like the other tabs, you can select which of your platforms to analyze. This is Technical Global's Facebook page turned into a dashboard. You can see volumes trends as well as the top words being used on the pages. Discussions, a live feed of the posts and the general sentiment are also displayed. Using this dashboard, you contract the general performance of each of your pages. Tracking your pages, however, is only one of the powerful features. Instead of pages, you can set up dashboards with topic profiles. Topic profiles are simply groups of keywords that instruct social studio what to look for. You can set keywords and specific parameters to narrow down. What exactly you want to listen to when you create dashboard? Using a topic profile, Social studio scours the Web to show real time data across various markets. In this case, Technical Global has one set up for Internet connections and filtered out in English by fine tuning. Your topic profiles you confined trends and markets all over the globe. In case you're looking for deeper marketing insights, Social Studio also lets you build work benches. These allow you to build customized dashboards that let you further refine relationships between data sense. For example, we can take the same topic profile, look at the demographics and then check sentiments based on different segments. Finally, analyse also periodically generates reports based on your platforms. Social studio gives you and your team to streamline not just your social media presence but also your marketing aware. Implement these tools in your own business by getting in touch with third pillar business applications, your partner in enabling growth