The Oil Wars Myth--Education

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oil powers Modern life It provides gasoline for our cars, diesel for our trucks and trains. Heavy oil for our ships and jet fuel for our planes. Without oil transportation would come to a standstill recreational and business travel would collapse. Shipping would cease. Military vehicles would be incapacitated from jeeps, two destroyers, Modern defence establishments run on petroleum based fuels, even vehicles that consume biofuels, compressed natural gas or nuclear energy would literally grind to a halt. Without lubricants derived from oil, there would be nothing to grease their gears absent oil. New Englanders would experience very cold winters as many communities use petroleum as a heating fuel in Hawaii, the one US state that still relies on oil to produce electricity losing it would turn out the lights outside the United States. Oil fueled power plants would shut down and people would no longer be able to compensate by firing up diesel fuel generators globally. The petrochemical industry would take a beating plastics, fertilizers, paints, synthetic fabrics and medicines are all manufactured from hydrocarbons. Absent petroleum feedstocks output would drop dramatically.