Emirates Airlines (urgent request, LQ)



*More demo's coming*

I didn't have a mic and had a very urgent request.
So here's what I've recorded in 20 minutes.

Currently I have a quick access to a studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Have you ever been afraid off losing your suitcase? Have you ever been responsible for the safety off confidential information? Emirates Airlines always provided the outstanding safety, and today we are ready to present the next generation off innovative features which brings the security off your suitcase to the next level built in scales, which will prevent the overweight Q R Code tech, which allows you to track your luggage and to help the airport stuff. Find the owner. You're also allowed to add your initials and choose the exclusive design to feature request. All of these are waiting for you in Emirates Airlines. New suitcases. Now you need only one step to check in. No more time for waiting. No more overweight. Never lose your baggage if you'll find you itself anywhere in the world wherever you go, stay confident. Fly Emirates Hello tomorrow.