Commercial Demo Reel

Radio Ad


Final project from Voice Coaches Premium Development Program

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the thin air of the bryce Canyon National Park. It's hard to pace yourself and see all the parks ravines unless you plan carefully. One of the most beautiful and isolated trails is the Fairyland Loop Trail. This eight mile hike allows a more intimate look at the park formations than any other trail. One of the most innovative and noteworthy composers of the 19th century was franz List franz lists experimentation with harmony and development of creative technical compositions brought him to the forefront of the romantic movement in music. Formed in 1928 Mckinsey Trust was created to help ease the financial burden of college for matriculating freshmen through a series of charitable donations and foundations, we distribute monies to deserving candidates all across the United States. Hello, this is the Farmer's Cooperative daily update line today, july 25th is the 57th day of our growing season without any measurable rain predicted to fall in the cascade plains region. Despite these conditions, 42 of our 56 cooperative members are projecting a normal apple harvest. Thank you for listening. I'm David Winter bar Hagi