British Accent, Sassy, New Jersey/New York accents, Disney, HBO, ESPN

Profile photo for Élan Noelle
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I have 10 plus years experience as a professional voice over actor. My work has appeared on Disney, HBO, ESPN, and radio stations world wide.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to be one of today's top models. You need beauty poise And that elusive Genesee, quaff skinny is out. That's why I use voluminous mascara by Loreal for luxurious lashes that are three times fuller. Thin is not in. That is where it's at. Voluminous lashes. Why? Yes, by Loreal. Because I'm worth it. I had to go to TJ Maxx, my boyfriend and I just broke up and I needed a little pick me up. So I found this outfit, the perfect fit, the perfect color. He hates orange. Besides, it was a great deal over half off. And if I didn't get it, someone else would have gotten it because there was only one left. Thanks God, I have any zuzu trooper with its eight comfortable seats and enough storage space for my kids, lunchboxes, soccer equipment, skis and fluffy. Isuzu Trooper is my best friend.