Meditation Demo Reel



A simple guided meditation of breathing techniques and self-awareness

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
allow yourself to relax into a position with no distractions, Whether you're seated or lying down as long as you're comfortable, All you need to do right now is to sit back and relax. Let's begin today by just taking a big, deep breath breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, in and out as you breathe in, just feeling the lungs expand as they fill with air. And as you breathe out, feeling the body soften just a little bit as you gently close your eyes. Just allow the breath to return to its natural rhythm in and out. Notice any difference in temperature as you're breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. And as you pause for a moment, take note of a feeling of the body contact of the feet beneath you with the ground, the weight of the body pressing down, supported beneath you, the weight of the hands and the arms noticing only the sound of your own breath breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. If you want to place one of your hands on your stomach, locate where you feel the movement of your breath. For some people, it's higher in the chest. For others, it's in the stomach or deep through the diaphragm. You're not worried about breathing in any special way. Just feeling your natural rhythm of breath. Allow yourself to breathe a little deeper now in and out. Start to notice the rising and falling sensation with each deep breath in and out.