Female Commando Agressive Confident Action Sci-fi



Marine commander talks to her untested recruits, they are in the outdoor theater, as the other battalions march behind them- they too will soon march, but first a speech.
Set on the planet Mars, humanity prepares for war, survival is a must, the earth is dead & the remnants must join or die.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
commandoes Ear walked out of the command tent, her growth scarred face showing the smallest hints of glee fitting on her cover. She addressed the assembled company from her left pocket. She produced a cigar and lighter. Yeah, a ripple of excitement rushed through the group. The ceremonial gesture they had been told about it was finally here. She pulled on a cigar, her small wireframe seeming to somehow grow larger. Her eyes scanned. The recruits. All right, recruits, this is the Crucible. In 72 hours, we'll see what separates the men from the maggots. And if any of you want to get off this red rock that you call a home, you best strap them boots up real tight because only a few of you will be making it to the other side.