Animation Demo

Profile photo for Erin Tancock
Not Yet Rated


Five year old singing dreamer, elderly knitting fiend, scary witch or southern belle... whatever the job calls for. Captured in a session with Melissa Altro in Toronto.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Erin, Tank ****. If a mummy should break into your tree, don't be alarmed. Remember, they've had their brain sucked out through their nose with a straw. With a little planning, you too can outsmart a mummy. Green Martians prefer to land at night under the cover of darkness so they don't cause a big scene. Now that the old man is gone I need you to service my pool If you catch my drift stick your skimmer In the deep end and spa ray, your chlorine all up in my filter relates to me how a monster of the darkest thread was bested by a child. Oh, of course you can't sit. I stand all the time. Look, See, I'm standing just like you standing together Blow everybody Welcome to my new show Where we have tricky fun Talk top If you follow the stars You can find me You can save me Darling, You can save us all We are climbing to the sky until we reach the clouds up high Yeah,