Errin Mixon - Commercial, TV, Radio, Podcast

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Television Ad


Etsy - homey, wistful, comforting
Warby Parker - earnest, with a wink
Bungle Podcast - sarcastic, deadpan, funny
Tyson - mom, wholesome, relatable
NY Times - business, news, journalistic
Woodford Bourbon - sexy, husky, raspy
Rainbowcorns Toy - bubbly, excited, young

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There are millions of people making incredible things from home. They're out there and they're always open shop etc. Find joy prescription eyewear can be really expensive, but glasses don't cost that much to make. Oh hi, we're Warby Parker ever been on a date so bad. You couldn't even discuss it with your dog tune into the hit podcast bungle because there's nothing funny about bad dates. Oh wait, yes, there is. Getting a healthy dinner on the table is no mean feat, But getting my kids to eat it is something else. Tyson chicken nuggets. They're the one thing kids love. 100% of the time. Social media giants are in the eye of a political and cultural storm over free speech bias and misinformation. The new york times deal book team looks at what's next for big tech in a post pandemic world. I love the sound of a bourbon being poured, Woodford reserve a true Kentucky straight bourbon. New rainbow corns are here. So many cute bubble corns and scented rainbow corn poop, each sold separately new from Zoo