I did many youtube recording and I enjoy playing with languages

Profile photo for Frank Mao
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


I have a Youtube account that I can use my voice to bring something more entertaining and positive to the world.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) North American (General) Russian Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello guys, welcome to another edition on the chairman. Male network show host frank email. Well with this season on the rap. A few more contestants to go for the karaoke contest. I'm gonna give you a hint of what's gonna happen next season. Unfortunately I won't be introduced you to any more of those brothers. You know the big mouth, big nose googling my family. Um I'll be introducing you to some of me. I know I have the power to separate a lot of me and they're pretty much scattered all over the work. So without further ado I'd like to introduce some of them and they'll give you a hint of what's going to happen next season of the Chairman now Network. Yes Mr Mao I approve your share carry on. Well thank you a lot mr President. I'm very glad that you have approved my show and give us a better rating. So without further ado let's introduce you to my first doppelganger Frankie mount of Albania Friedman. Delete original mount toi the chairman Mao network from France and the brother from Germany Duncan. Hello and network show in let's ensure begin brother or to the chairman Mao Network other from the army speaks irish from spain network. They're from Russia Brother from Italy. I know I am Presley, I am your show host of the telling last especially yeah network the animal where they're from Sweden and the brother from Saudi Arabia urban brother from Pakistan brother from India. Donovan more more Hello Network host namaste brother from china. What's your job in your mom you mean she loved him Cashman. They're from Korea rather from Japan. That's a brief introduction of all my worldly brothers. Stay tuned for more on the chairman, Mao Network. I'm your show host, Frankie mao, Goodbye!