Casual Corporate Training Demo

Video Narration


Some down to earth, informative read styles for corporate training modules and business presentations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these business processes are incredibly complex, so much so that it's hard to know precisely who and what makes up the chain, let alone confirm every part is performing optimally to develop and test life saving drugs and therapies. Scientists studies cells outside of the human body as an essential first step toward a better understanding of cell biology and function. Today, many companies air adopting a mix of private cloud, public cloud and on premise infrastructure to satisfy their application requirements. But keeping track of users applications and resource is across all these different environments can be a real challenge. Every project has its own history of changes. Let me show you how to open it in your project. On the right side, there's a sidebar with filters. Here you can see all the changes in your project.