Gail Shalan - Narration Demo - youthful, girl-next-door, teenager, young adult, character, period piece



Clip from \"Invisible Ghosts\" by Robin Schneider (Chatterbox Audio & Audible UK) demonstrating YA 1st person narrator.
Clips from the \"Listen to Your Heart\" Series by Margaret Lake (ACX, Audible) demonstrating period piece, comedy, character, dialects, and 3rd person narrative.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gail shall in. I learned recently that the ancient Romans used to interpret even the most ordinary things as signs from the beyond. A spilled drink was a supernatural disaster. A sudden crack and a roof beam would send people into a panic. Things could sour in an instant, going from good luck. Too bad with a change in the weather or the setting of the sun. Even though I've never believed in those kinds of awe gheris, I can't bring myself to dismiss them entirely because there's always been one specific omen in my life. A good hair day. I'm not joking. Whenever my hair goes right, something else goes wrong. When he let her go, they both had to take a minute before they were able to speak. Did that work for you, Bill murmured, because it sure worked for me. How How do I know You don't do that with all the other girls, too. Do you mean you're the first girl life kiss? Not hardly, he murmured in that same soft voice. But you're the 1st 1 that ever left me speechless for more than two seconds. Believe in man. And he added, I've known Bill all my life. And he hardly ever stops talking, picking a promising script, finding investors rehearsal space, booking a theater far in advance, allowing time for casting rehearsals, costumes, sets and taking the show on the road for out of town trials. Before opening in the only venue that mattered Broadway, Jackie listened, perched on the edge of her seat, fascinated by the sheer volume of work that went into something that looked so simple once it was live. She knew from their own small productions that it entailed a lot but had never envisioned the scope that Mr Dane outlined for them. Now don't you dare tell Mrs J how it went before you tell me, Nan gasped, trying to catch her breath. Okay, Jackie laughed. I was just teasing you. She paused a moment for dramatic effect, then burst out. It was wonderful, fabulous, stupendous. I've never felt so alive. Marjorie and I meshed like we've been working together all of our lives. Our timing was perfect. I think the audience was riveted. At least that's what Mr McCarty said. After I didn't even know there was an audience. I completely forgot. Wow! Was all man could manage