False Gods Villain Monologue (Old Mic)

Profile photo for G. Blaine Thompson
Not Yet Rated


I both wrote and voiced the monologue. The character in question is based off of a villain that I had created for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you say it's the gods whose wrath I should fear? No, I think not. It's your kind who deserves that honor. Do you see your gods like any other immortal of one glaring flaw their complacent and there they sit on their ethereal Thrones, looking down on the rest of creation, letting eternity pass by while they felt to make any meaningful difference with all their omnipotence. Then on the other side of the coin, you have humanity. Oh, there is no force I could even compared to that of mankind's ambition one man can complete just as much in a decade. What it takes a called several millennia to do, you are destined to dethrone these poor excuses for deities. Eventually I'm just here to expedite the process. So unless you wish to join them in oblivion, I suggest you step out of my way.