Quick Slated Voice Demo

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Only got a minute? Check out my quick demo, showcasing a small sample of my range. For more, take a listen to my new 2021 Demo Reel here on Voices.com

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Gerard. A professional voice talent. Here are some examples of my voice style looking down from two miles above the surface of the earth. It's impossible not to be impressed by the sheer grandeur and splendour of the natural world that I might and welcome to a jungle safari. We have a lot to see and explore. So grab your gear, climb in the jeep and let's go. Are you ready? T. E Lawrence Autonomously of Arabia, Very much an Englishman favoured pinching a burning match between his fingers. To put it out to the heart of a robust health care system is a flourishing general practise where the current climate may find a GP straining to deliver high quality kid. Something incredible has just landed a donut. King. The world's favourite superhero family is now available at Australia's favourite doughnut. Stuck with cliffs and woodlands ringed by sparkling beaches, Gala Peninsula is stunning, breathtaking, inspiring, diverse geology with outstanding coastal habitats. Captain Eastern Crocodile Cave. We'll be in Davy Jones's locker too soon. You'll see. Don't worry, you're shelling within all suit like me. Choose me for your next message