Georgette Perna Audiobook Demo

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Georgette Perna Audiobook Demo

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Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter 11. The survival instructions, deoxyribonucleic acid. Now DNA contains instructions that tell living things, how to develop and function. It's like a secret code that is unique to each person, detectives can even use DNA left at crime scenes to catch the bad guys and the answer is I prompted, will you please say yes to doing the escape room? Okay, Jeremy gave a thumbs up since Elijah asked, and I guess it's actually cool that we're doing this, phoenix waved her bandage tan. If everyone else really wants to do it, then I'm in. Yes, I said yes, Oh yes, good. I thought you'd see the light, said Miss Daly. My older brother is going to be so jealous, said jeremy, his voice actually sounding a little enthusiastic, birdie fidgeted with her pen and side. What was up with her. Um I just have one question said phoenix, what's an escape room? What? Jeremy dramatically slapped his forehead. Dude, have you been living under a rock or something? Don't call me dude, said phoenix in her slow calm voice and no, my family doesn't own a tv by choice and we don't live under a rock, although our house is at the bottom of a slight rocky incline, we don't need any more fighting around here, said Miss Daly, as soon as I explain more about the escape room will be all set and luckily all of your parents have already signed the waiver forms electronically. Okay, my mind was just alone. This meant that mom and dad knew the entire time waiver forms, Jeremy leaned forward. That's like when you do something dangerous. Now I'm extra into this. Me too. I couldn't wait to get started. Suddenly. The worst afternoon of my life wasn't looking so bad. I can't believe we get to do an escape room. Even if it's with jeremy and his bad attitude. How many of you have done an escape room before? Ask Miss Daly. Birdie raised her hand. Me you have. I said usually I knew if Birdie had done anything cool. Yeah, brody clenched her fist. I really didn't get why she was acting so strange. It was for my sister's birthday. My mom ordered a kit that doesn't count, said jeremy. Why not? I said, defending my BFF. Listen, everyone, let's remain calm, said Miss Daly. Because you're going to need to cooperate if you plan on getting out of the escape room. She looked around ominously. Is it scary? I asked in a casual voice, but I didn't feel casual. Instead. I felt a little scared if you want to know the truth. Well, I love science and puzzles. I'm definitely not the kind of person who's into spooky stuff like actual ghosts or anything creepy. Let's just say it's a very exciting, high stakes experience stated MS daily and it involves a famous scientist whose research led to the understanding of DNA as in the building block of all life. Yes, I couldn't help popping out of my seat. I know who it might be. Miss Daly placed her fingers on her lips, Hold your horses kate. All right folks. I'll give you your instructions, but first off, give me your phones and put away your backpacks. She pointed to the cubbies on the side wall. Everyone handed over their phones and Miss Daly placed them in a plastic blue tub. Then we stuffed our backpacks into the cubbies. Miss Daly glanced behind her as if someone might be listening in on our conversation. She then lowered her voice conspiratorially. Okay, you are about to enter the game world. This is a game full of puzzles you must solve in order to move on to the next clue. You must be organized and you must work together. I recommend that you look for clues and communicate with each other. If you want to have any chance of getting out of the escape room in time. MS dailies face grew even more serious, handle everything with great care, she continued, do not move anything that doesn't move easily. Do not take anything apart. It's a real clue. You can remove it easily. There are multiple cameras set up in the room so I will be monitoring you the entire time. If anyone feels that they need to leave you, just call out my name. But if you leave, that will be the end of the game and you will have lost. Oh and no eating in the room. Everyone looked at me mito. That would mean no snacks. Hey mon. Exactly. Miss Daly raised her eyebrows. Any other questions? What happens if we don't get out? Asked Meto like something really bad. Well you like this school, right? Said Miss Daly. You'll just spend the rest of your life here then. Mm Ito and Elijah gazed at each other, their mouths open. Birdie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. And honestly, I was a little worried too. I'm joking, said Miss Daly, I'm just going to go behind that screen over there and I'll be right back. She pointed to a dark brown folding screen. Well, I'm away, I'd like everyone to put on your lab coats. Then she disappeared behind the screen. I rubbed my hands together. Oh, this sounds sci fi. You guys grabbing a lab coat? I pulled a pair of protective goggles around my neck just to be safe. As I was tucking a pair of gloves into my pocket, a silver haired person with dark mirrored glasses stomped back into the room.