Voice Assistant


Ayraa AI

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello there. My name is a ra. I am excited to be here. Hello there I am. Era. I would love to direct your call, press one for sales to for support and three if it's for something else. Wonderful. I was successfully installed. I look forward to our journey together. Let's start by registering your work email address. I have sent you a one time passcode to that email address. Can you please type that in here? I'm sorry. Could you please check your email address and try again? Hmm. I could not find a matching customer account for that email address. Are you sure you use the right 1? This is strange. I could not send you a one time passcode. Please try again later. My apologies. I seem to be having network issues. Could you please try again later? I'm sorry something unexpected happened. Could you please try again? Sorry that pass code is not valid. Can you please check and try again? Sorry that pass code is either incorrect or has expired. Can you please try again?