Explainer-Educational, Helpful, Informative, Approachable, Believable

Video Narration


Instructional video for Action for the Climate Emergency's ACE Action Team project titled \"Become an ACE Action Team Lead\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how to become an Ace action team. Lead movements need leaders and that's going to be you as an Ace action team Lead you'll fight for climate justice by mobilizing coaching and supporting local activists, hosting monthly events and actions building your membership and participating in monthly group check ins and while you're building your team, Ace is here to help, will provide skill trainings and confidence building, communication and connection with other young climate activists and personal support from our staff and high level volunteers. A key part of your leadership role is to recruit members for your Ace action team. An easy way to start is to connect with your friends, classmates and other young people you already know. Once you have a solid base, start branching out to your broader community, your team may take some time to develop and that's okay. As long as you have a few committed members, you can get to work strong. Ace Action teams will stay up to date on Ace campaign work organize and run campaign actions plan, fun and welcoming activities for your team and recruit new members. Casting a wide net While you're doing all this great work, we'll need you to keep in touch, stay connected with your team members and a staff will be there when you need support as a team leader, you'll be trained on outreach circle, a messaging platform to help you reach your community. You'll also get a discord channel for your team. Use these spaces to chat and coordinate with your team, but also to communicate with a staff and other action teams in your region, state or across the nation pertaining members is the cornerstone to your team's success and we have a few tips to keep you on track, stay committed consistent action, keeps existing members engaged and attracts new members to join, share leadership and communicate. Give people meaningful action items to help them feel included and make sure everyone feels heard and appreciated, take care of each other. This is a marathon, not a Sprint, create a culture of care and have fun. You're more likely to stick together as a team when it comes to hosting events, you're encouraged to get creative or keep it simple, whatever supports your action team that gets you closer to a campaign, win. Some tried and true ideas include organizing a march rally or lobby visit, hosting a guest speaker or hosting a creative art project. You can also make a simple activity an event like writing a letter to the editor, registering voters or canvassing on the issue. Check out our how to become an action team lead guide for more ideas. You're already an active leader for your community and the planet. Just by showing up, watching these videos and getting ready to take action. You've got this