Audiobook - Cuban, Latino, Concerned, Emotional, Child, Spanish Accent



Clip from The Bluest Sky by Christina Diaz Gonzalez. Produced by Penguin Random House.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (US General American - GenAM) Spanish (General) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Every ounce of air had been forced out of my lungs and I couldn't seem to get any back. Black dots floated in front of my eyes. I curled up in self protection, but I could still see my mother in the middle of the throng of people. Bani Mali Mama screamed, they're only Children. She stood over Rodrigo whose face was bleeding. The crowd began to disperse suddenly I felt an arm sweep under my rib cage to help me stand Dale, you touch him again and I will beat the hell out of you tale threatened as he held the loose brick from his porch in his hand. Now get out of here. Dean shall stepped back glaring at both of us. Mama was already pulling Rodrigo back into the house even though he seemed to want to stay and fight some more. I tried to breathe but my lungs didn't want to work. I took in short shallow breaths as tail propped me up. The crowd seemed to have had their fill of humiliating us for most of them. There was no need to waste more of a Saturday afternoon with guano like us. And so they were drifting away, ready to go on with their normal lives as if nothing had happened. But for me, everything had changed. I didn't think even Abuela could help us after this. I would never be a Math Olympian. I struggled to simply adjust my glasses and take a few steps, but at least I could finally feel the warm human air filtering into my chest. Gracias. I croaked out, still leaning on tail for support. Can you help me get inside? Of course, brothers forever. Right. Dale said, dropping the brick before we headed back to the porch littered with broken eggs. You are right. Some things are worth fighting for. I smiled as we climbed up my steps, Tao's arm still holding me up as I grabbed the doorframe for support. Dale. Let go of me. You gonna be ok? He asked. Yeah, I said meekly not really sure if I would be. Guess our family's secret is out. Mama's planning to leave. Mhm. Tale. Took a step back and glanced down at the eggshells around his feet. One of his shoelaces was undone and was dragging along a piece of yolk. I'm sorry that I couldn't talk to you about it. I said his tail bent down to tie his sneaker. Tao glanced up at me. I get it. Sometimes. Even best friends can't share everything. Yeah, I looked out at the few stragglers still milling around. They didn't matter to me anymore. I better go check on Rodrigo. I said, turning away from him. Then someone shouted, broken glass is better than broken eggs. I spun back around. Theo heard it too and darted up to see who had said it. That was his one mistake. He should have ignored it. He should have kept tying his shoe. Instead, the trajectories of two objects in motion intersected at the worst possible point. The brick slammed into the side of Tale's head. No, I screamed, seeing it all happen in slow motion. I darted forward as Tale's body lurched sideways and then crumbled down the remaining steps. Damn, I heard his mother screech from across the street and saw her sprinting toward us as everyone else ran away. I jumped down to where tail was lying blood from his head. Already pulling on the cement walkway and onto his white t-shirt. Dale Dale, talk to me. I said crouching next to him. I took off my lucky fishing shirt and pressed it against his head. Tale didn't move. I looked at his chest. He wasn't breathing. I know Mama exclaimed, rushing out of our house. No, Dale, please. I begged panic beginning to overtake me. Someone get a doctor. I yelled as Tale's mother pushed me aside and I fell backward onto the grass. I stared up at the sky then back at theo and his mother. I refused to believe what I was seeing. It was unthinkable, unimaginable. Then Dale's mother let out the most piercing whale I had ever heard and my world screeched to a stop.