Handicap accessibility training, corporate internal, e-learning



Handicap accessibility training explaining how to tag documents and images for hearing and site impaired

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Have you ever been asked to complete a project without crucial details or information? Imagine having to accomplish a task without any information at all. This is what it could be like when people with disabilities receive inaccessible content. Meet Amanda Amanda is a communications manager and just received a power point deck to review in preparation for a presentation. The debt contains images, videos and text. But there is a problem. Amanda can't easily access the content using her screen reader. The images do not have alternative text, which means Amanda can't determine the purpose of the images. The videos don't contain audio descriptions, meaning Amanda doesn't know what is happening in the video when the narration isn't present and the text on the slides is out of order, making it difficult to navigate the content in a meaningful way. Amanda explain to her team that content creators can easily create accessible content by taking a few extra steps