Commercial Demo Reel

Radio Ad


This is my commercial demo reel that was completed in November of 2021.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, you don't like it when people look over your shoulder, right. What about when people read your emails or hack into your bank accounts? I thought so, switch to iphone for the privacy. Apparently 11 year olds like to wear their favorite clothes every single day. But with the gentle power of tide pods, her favorite stays her favorite. If it's got to be clean, it's got to be tied. Some say only old people drink diet coke. But guess what? Old people have seen it all. Listen to your elders, diet coke. You shouldn't have to learn how to use technology. It should just work the IBM cloud makes every interaction simpler, which makes work a lot simpler to champions aren't born champions. They started out small, scared, sometimes intimidated, but they kept going be what you were meant to be. Nike. It's one of the most devastating forms of cancer, but it doesn't have to be, we can cure pancreatic cancer. Go to lust garden dot org to learn more.