Wellness App - LifeStyle/Wellness - Commercial

Profile photo for Grace Bernicker
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


These spots are custom-written spots, highlighting my commercial marketability within the travel, wellness & leisure market.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You're stressed out. You have dozens of emails from work to check, hundreds of texts to keep up with, and before bed, you always endlessly scroll through social media, heightening your feelings of isolation and anxiety. Our phones are the source of so much of our stress. What if they could also be the solution? The new focus of meditation app, Unplug, seeks to be that solution. With automated quiet time scheduling, reminders to take screen breaks and mindfulness tasks spread out throughout the day. The unplug app filters out the noise of the day and lets you stay connected while finding your center. Be calm in the chaos. Unplug.

We're not your average airline. But what is your average airline? Your average airline is expensive tickets. It's surprise fees. It's long lines and unexpected delays. So yeah, we do things differently at southwest, on purpose. We fly you to over 99 destinations for guaranteed low prices. We don't charge fees, change your flight or check two bags. We work hard to keep flights on time and our passengers informed. We're not your average airline, but you deserve much more than average. Southwest Airlines. Let us get you there