Animation Demo



Consists of a few of the different voices I can perform.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're not like these? Dotes, You're like me. Smart, daring, vivacious. Just tell me where is the crystal. Hello mom. We just got to the airport. Where are you? Just got on the shuttle? I'm sitting next to a woman who's talking really loud on her phone. Dad, do you have your plane ticket? What all I have is an extra battery for my hearing aid. Being on a rescue team can be dangerous. If you're zooming around all the time, I won't be there to make sure you're staying safe and flying slowly and eating and drinking enough. Let's just make sure no matter what. We all have each other's backs in there. I didn't do anything. It was Michelle. It was all Michelle. I'm not going down for something. I didn't do. If anyone deserves to get punished. It should be Michelle with tests coming up. If anyone is feeling anxious or worried or even if you just want to chat, please please do not come crying to me.