Commercial Demo Reel

Radio Ad


Commercial demo reel recorded and produced at my personal studio, featuring product scripts highlighting my vocal range and dynamism.

*These scripts were obtained and recorded for the purpose of creating my demo reel. I do not represent these brands.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is going to be the best day ever since my human got me frontline plus we're running more trails, sniffing more tails and finding all new places to splash in the mud. Just a little frontline plus on my back kills ticks and fleas for a whole 30 days because there's nothing better than getting out and feeling the wind in your for that recommended frontline plus live off the leash, double your pleasure, double your fun. That's a statement of the great mint and Doublemint gum every seven minutes around the world. Habitat for humanity serves a family in need of decent housing. Affordable housing solutions might differ from place to place but to the families who dream of them, help build them and eventually inhabit them. They all add up to just one thing. Home Visit or call 1 800 habitat and donate today. Ah The joys of one bursting li juicy blackberry. The rapture of a single ripe raspberry now multiply that by a bushel and let your mouth do the math. This my friend is very full bliss from your buds to your toes. Naked food juice. More fruit than you can shake. I'm not synthetic. So why would I use beauty products that are introducing Burt's bees beauty. A full line of natural cosmetics that make you feel your beautiful best because of how they're made. Not in spite of it, Burt's bees beauty. True to nature