Greg Johnson - Commercial Reel (youthful, inspiring, authentic)

Television Ad


My current voiceover reel, showcasing spots that I've done for various clients including Founders Brewing, Lego, and Schleich.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
founders brewing. We asked. What if we brewed a beer perfect for any occasion? A beer that makes a weekend feel more like an adventure? Fluffy eggs and zesty hero sauce for just a dollar $1 breakfast Hero burrito, part of Euro tacos. Morning dollar menu How do you challenge the ordinary? Where do you start? How do you cut through the noise? Stand out. See if people as a kid do you remember when you and your friends would tell ghost stories to creep each other after? Or maybe you dared your buddies to go on the biggest Scariest rollercoasters. Parallel parking. No parking here. Parking. Thanks for taking up two spots. Parking stop parking lift rides Air Now in Vancouver, Friedrich Schleiff started up a small company in Stuttgart, Germany. In 1935 the firm achieved the hope for breakthrough with job. All this beauty, all those sites Unbelievable. Your travels through Italy are making the memories of a lifetime