Animation and Video Game Demo - Scottish accent, General American, Yorkshire Accent, East Coast American accent, Russian accent, British (Received Pronunciation, RP, BBC) accent, Australian accent, Icelandic Accent.



This demo very much highlights my versatility with accents and characters from all over the world as well as my skill for comedy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Mr Terrorist. Listen, I'm a mother of four small Children and a wedding planner. You don't know what torture is. Our fight is not with the people of England. Your Majesty is with you on a murderous Lord. Lick your boots and keep you on that throne. I'm on my way. Foetal day. I have a bunion the size of Staten Island. But this Joey think I deserve a little pampering. Know he even complains when I buy a bottle of cow gone the cheap S O b. Mr. Tilney, do I need to remind you that watching football during work hours is completely Yes, Danish as you were telling me I spent the lint or carrying a lame mule on my back. But no, you're right. I need volunteers to stay in shape. It's not a simple is all that Hernandez, Because Josie, please. I need you to listen to me. Josie, we can't storm in there because God, I am so sorry. They have your kid. You don't look like a superhero. I think you're just a man with a bad taste in pyjamas. Oh, Captain Gorgeous. I mean, courageous Captain Courageous which is your name, as you are so courageous, obviously. I mean, you know what? I'm just gonna go test the stapler on my lips. Forget I control the seas. I can capsize your every ship, drown your armies on DH, Plunge your castles and villages to the depths of the ocean along with all memory of you. You mistake me, Lizzy. I should very much like to make Mr Marshes acquaintance. But I find myself more concerned at present, as I wish you were with the undead of the Bella straight. Serena, Hi. I'm trying to find Marco. My tour bus broke down in were always someplace called Milwaukee. And Serena. Serena, I don't even know what a cheese Kurdi's happens all the time, Sarge. But just because the reverse polarity of a single time travel, it can cause a quantum entity. And it doesn't mean we should shut the whole thing down. I mean, the most delicious pies in England, sir. Why, Her Majesty The queen requests them weekly. Just ignore the Roaches there from the pub. Next. Oh, not my doing. So what would you like